Monthly Archives: March 2020

Growing Your Local Business With Digital Marketing

Grow-Your Business-With-Digital Marketing


Could a large global corporation’s marketing strategy work for a small local business? While some tactics may have to be adjusted, the answer is generally yes. Digital marketing efforts do not discriminate. This often surprises small business owners, as they view massive digital marketing campaigns as something unattainable and out of their league.

On the contrary, local businesses have a big opportunity to take advantage of digital marketing options that would promote and grow their organizations. Unfortunately, there are a few common roadblocks standing in the way:

  1. Budget Constraints
  2. Lack of Expertise

One of the biggest misconceptions about digital marketing in 2020 is that it is expensive and out of reach for a mom and pop shop. Business owners are used to the costs associated with traditional marketing tactics like television ads or print advertising. Digital marketing options, on the other hand, are much less expensive. As a result, local businesses are able to run campaigns that match their budgets and meet their targeting needs. More on this later.

In addition to cost, many local businesses lack the expertise necessary to run a successful digital campaign. With no budget to hire a full-time marketing person, they are left with questions and concerns about how they could possibly compete with their rivals.

These concerns are common and reasonable. However, digital marketing offers a solution to all of these worries. Today, we will break down just what it takes for a small local business to compete digitally and expand their reach.

Digital Marketing Tactics for Local Businesses

As a business owner, it’s easy to get intimidated by big chains and corporations in your industry. In the past, competing with organizations of that size would mean dishing out enormous budgets to get a 30-second local spot during a big game. Today, competing with them could be as simple as running a highly targeted Facebook ad or a strategic email marketing campaign. The point is that there is a wide range of options for small businesses to take advantage of in the marketing space.

Digital strides in marketing have made targeting specific customers easy, trackable, and successful. The heart of any winning marketing campaign lies in the ability to reach the right people, at the right time, and in the right location. The following are some of the most notable platforms to consider for local business digital marketing:

  • Facebook Pages and Ads
  • Instagram Pages and Ads
  • YouTube Commercials
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn Ads and Forums
  • Email Marketing
  • Local SEO
  • Website SEO
  • Search/Display Ads
  • Blogging
  • Lead Generation Efforts

From content and social media marketing to paid ads on Google and other social platforms, the opportunities to promote a local business digitally are vast. The struggle lies in determining where to spend the money and who to hire to run the campaigns. While something like running a Facebook page requires more time than money, the level of engagement with customers that it provides is invaluable.

In addition to being able to reach the exact type of customer that works best for your company, digital marketing also allows for in-depth tracking. Measuring results is critical to any successful campaign, large or small. So, it is imperative that local campaigns are tracked and then tweaked to account for the results of the analytics. Far too many local campaigns tank because of a failure to remain dynamic.

Leaning on digital marketing can transform a local business. The biggest challenge is getting started correctly. Whether that means hiring an in-house marketing expert or looking for an experienced consulting agency, local companies looking to succeed this year must expand their reach into the digital realm.

Do you have questions about taking your company digital? We are here to help! Contact Big Customer Network today to learn more about your options!